Competing with “The Amazon Effect”


There is no denying that Amazon is making its way to be a major competitor in today’s industry. Many companies, especially retail companies, feel pressure from Amazon to meet customers online and connect them with simple shipping solutions. The Amazon effect is a term used in the industry to explain how the company has changed the way consumers get goods and has introduced them to a seamless shopping process with almost immediate results.

It is important for businesses to try and stay ahead of companies like Amazon and work to counter the Amazon effect and improve overall shipping processes. Finding different ways to make shopping and shipping convenient for consumers is a great way to attract consumers attention and boost your business.

Take Advantage of Technology

Companies can utilize new technology, such as mobile applications, to meet their customers’ needs to make shopping, ordering and shipping as easy as possible. Utilizing technology to meet customers’ needs not only gives them a better experience but can help the company track different customer behavior and trends to best attract their attention in the future.

Enhance your Shipping Strategy

Companies should have a shipping strategy in place that includes automation, a mix of carriers and a trusted shipping partner. Having this type of shipping strategy can help businesses stay ahead and compete in the age of Amazon. Amazon has recently made more of an effort to get involved in the shipping industry with the rise of its Amazon Logistics initiative that gives consumers faster delivery options.

Customer Service is Key

One of Amazon’s major focuses is quality customer service to keep customers coming back to their business. If you are a shipping or retail company that is competing with Amazon, make sure to give customers a positive experience with their shipments and use technology to keep them updated throughout the process. Utilizing resources like a third-party logistics provider is a great way to keep shipments organized and maintain visibility throughout your supply chain to satisfy your customers.

You don’t have to be a big company to compete with major competitors like Amazon. Making sure that your company has the right resources available can help your business stay ahead and keep your customers or shippers happy.

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